Deke (Derek Evans)

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Oct 22, 2010
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Home for the terminally bewildered, one step ahead
It is two years today since Deke ( Derek Evans) passed away

He had been a member on here almost since day one when the site was born from the loins of the Welsh Wizard. Long before me.

I never met him but felt I knew him well.

Like myself he didn't suffer fools gladly and would be wading in ( in a polite sort of way) at all the political correctness, wokedom, virtue signalling, taking umbrage on behalf of others and other such molly coddling that we see on here on a daily basis. He would be the first to vote for bringing back Mr Smith....a moderator to be feared not mocked.

Anyway, I shall raise a glass to Deke tonight, doubtless in the virtual company of all the others on here who respected the opinions and knowledge that only comes with age and experience. It doesn't come as part of the self promotion package entitled Zero to Hero

Keep looking after the Printers in the sky with Bob the Breakdown , mate

Gone but never forgotten
+1 he was most definitely one of the good guys, technically and practically competent and not afraid to call a fool a fool.

One I am sure I would have enjoyed a pint with, or a kipper tie.
Looking back over the last 10 years or so across all the groups like this it is amazing the wealth and breadth of experience and source of advice that has been lost to age and serious illness
Without the teaching and advice of those people on here and before the internet what would we be today
I quite often raise a glass to those who have past when I have one of those quiet moments of reflection and a whatever happened to thought after a difficult days work
I’m so sad to hear about Deke’s passing. 😢 (As I only visit on a bi-annual basis I haven’t realised this until now.)

He was so supportive of me in my early days of studying and working my way through my apprenticeship and it was something that I still appreciate to this day.

R.I.P. Deke. ❤️
I’m so sad to hear about Deke’s passing. 😢 (As I only visit on a bi-annual basis I haven’t realised this until now.)

He was so supportive of me in my early days of studying and working my way through my apprenticeship and it was something that I still appreciate to this day.

R.I.P. Deke. ❤️
Lovely to hear from you.
Yes, it is a shame about Deke. Forever missed.
We have had some other changes here too.
Please stick around. You know we don't bite!
Hopefully, work and family life are good for you.
I’m so sad to hear about Deke’s passing. 😢 (As I only visit on a bi-annual basis I haven’t realised this until now.)

He was so supportive of me in my early days of studying and working my way through my apprenticeship and it was something that I still appreciate to this day.

R.I.P. Deke. ❤️
How's life treating you? Hope all is going well.

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